Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of February 28, 2024 (2024)

Restored Republic viaa GCR: Update as of February 28, 2024

JUDY NOTE: We are witnessing the greatest MilitaryIntelligence Sting Operation of all time, designed to arrest, try, convict andexecute Pedophile Satanist Global Elites for their Crimes Against Humanity asvalidated in over 700,000 court indictments.

· Tues. 27 Feb. The Storm Has Arrived: The Storm Has Arrived! 02.27:Benjamin Fulford & Juan O' Savin, Nino Rodriguez Bombshell!

· Tues. 27 Feb. Biden’s Border Crisis is in reality a Child SexTrafficking Crisis: State Attorney Generals report that more than 85,000children have been lost at the border:

· The Pedophile Satanist Illuminati Nazi Zionist Deep State CabalKhazarian Mafia Global Elite have owned and operated much of the AmericanRepublic since it’s beginnings, but became official owners of that USCorporation with the just-before-Christmas-when-Congress-was-in-recess passageof the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 on 23 Dec. 1913.

· The Khazarian Mafia’s subsequent establishment of the Central BankingCartel and International Banking Crime Syndicate would be the single biggestachievement of these Globalists’ New World Order implementation plan thateventually morphed into BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street among otherinstitution and corporate crime networks.

· Welcome To The Greatest Behind-The-Scenes Military Intelligence StingOperation of All-Time! You’re Watching A Scripted Movie! And You’re Going ToLOVE The Way This Movie Ends! Q: What Comes Next Will Shock The World!

· President Trump and The Q Team Are Draining The Swamp! A trap was setand they took the bait. Trump caught them all.

· Arrests & Military Tribunals: The Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, Soros,Fauci, Schiff, Pelosi, Bill Gates End up in GITMO. Tried and Executed For forHigh Treason, Sedition & Crimes Against Humanity!

· The Satanic NWO Deep State Criminal Cabal Has Partnered With CorruptPoliticians, The Propaganda Media, Big Tech, Big Corporations And The HollywoodAnd Entertainment Industries to Destroy Our Great Nation! Spoiler Alert: In TheEnd, God Wins!

· Trump Will Not Return as The President of The Bankrupt U.S.Corporation, but rather The President of The New Republic of The United States! ·In this New American Republic We The People have all the power. ·There is NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! · America returns to The Gold Standard!

· Tues. 27 Feb. Breaking! 10,000 Redemption Centers AreRedefining the American Dream! Military Confirms Thousands of Med Bed Centers!- Gazetteller

IF YOU WERE READING THIS UPDATE ON, OR FROM OPERATION DISCLOSUREOFFICIAL'S WEBSITE, BE AWARE that the information has been redacted. For acomplete UN-REDACTED VERSION, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update onOperation Disclosure Official's Website, you can download it OR you can read anUN-REDACTED VERSION on the Rumor Mill News Website. Go to Youwill be in the Reading Room, then scroll down looking for Agent Seawitch'sposting titles, the UN-REDACTED VERSION for "RESTORED REPUBLIC"should be there.

A. GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET: Tues. 27 Feb. 2024Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe : From Sat. 24 Feb. to Mon 26 Feb. Bankswere clearing their books of the USD so the USTN could go in. Thurs.29 to Fri. 1 March USTN – should be in ATMs

A major announcement could come Wed. 28 Feb. afternoon. Tier4b(us, the Internet Group) could get our notifications on Thurs. 29 Feb. Everythingis supposed to roll out and be visible to us on Fri. 1 March – which is whenTier4b appointments could start.

On Wed. noon to 2:30 pm 28 Feb. there is a Conferencecall for Redemption Centers. The Iraqi Government will start paying alltheir salaries at the new Dinar Rate on Fri. 1 March. TheR&R will start paying out around the second week of March.

Starting in the month of March there will be increases inSocial Security payments of at least $2,041 on top of what you are getting now.

· Tues. 27 Feb. Wolverine: “Today Tues. 27 Feb. the BRICS meeting ofFinance Ministers and Central Bank Governors changed from an online meeting toa physical summit in Brazil – sounds like something big is happening. …I’vebeen told that people are lining up at the banks in Iraq in anticipation forthe RV. …Also today Tues. 27 Feb. the Iraqi Trade Minister conversed with theOrganization World Trade Center in Abu Dhabi and reported that the accessionprocess of Iraq has been completed”.

· Mon. 26 Feb. Hernán Robert Hbravo: “Baghdad Communication reported apossible Dinar revaluation on Thurs. 29 Feb. or Fri. 1 March”.

· JUDY NOTE: A High Up Contact and other valid sources have indicatedthat the Cabal capitulated on Thurs. 22 Feb, followed by Trump releasing thefinal phase of The Plan (mass arrests?), which was now in motion. If thingswent as expected we may have a three day celebration beginning around Thurs. 29Feb. RV rates have been agreed upon with a goal for the RV to happen by Fri. 1March. It was now my personal opinion that Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group)would receive notification for our redemption and exchange appointments aroundThurs. 29 Feb. or Fri. 1 March and begin appointments during the Ten Days ofDarkness/ Exposure – which appeared slated to occur around Sun. 3 March throughWed. 13 March 2024”.

· On Sat. 24 Feb. eight countries including Iraq joined the World TradeOrganization. Iraq had to have their new Dinar Rate in place in order tojoin.

· Russia and Iran, both possessing significant gold reserves, areestablishing the framework for a groundbreaking gold-backed currency system.

· Hutchinson Kansas: "Reno County State Rep. Michael Murphy isbacking a bill to allow for physical precious metals to pay for items inKansas". Kansas is the first state to run this proposal through thelegislative committee process. Florida, Utah, Texas, and Oklahoma are allworking on one. If successful, these states will have their own depository.People will be able to use a debit card that represents the gold and silverheld in this depository just like a bank. The difference is that gold andsilver is held in the depository and not paper money.


· On Mon. 20 March 2023 the new gold/asset-backed Quantum FinancialSystem replaced the Cabal’s fiat currency Central Banking System. Now they weretesting the system, so the technology won’t be available until around Wed. 23March 2023.

· The World was on the cusp of a Near Death Experience: This week inMarch 2023 over 200 US Banks and over 1,400 Banks worldwide were set to fail.

· On Mon. 20 March 2023 the new gold/ asset-backed Quantum FinancialSystem (QFS) replaced the Cabal’s fiat currency Central Banking System. Therewere 11,000 institutions in 200+ countries which adopted the QFS ISO20022Digital Payment System.

· Beginning Wed. 23 March 2023 technologies would kick in on the QFSQuantum Server (which now houses the IMF and World Bank) as Central BankDigital Currency (CBDC) disconnected from the Central Banking System.

C. GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS: · Another race toavoid a shutdown. Parts of the US government could shut down on Friday 1 March.A budget deal remains elusive: · The Eurozone is about to go bust. Germany’sonce-mighty Bundesbank is losing money – and it is far from alone.

· Sony to lay off 900 workers from PlayStation division,or 8% of unit’s global workforce.· The iconic but struggling US departmentstore Macy’s announced plans on Tuesday to close around 150 locations by 2026.

D. THE REAL NEWS FOR TUES. 27 FEB. 2024: ·Tues. 27 Feb. Texas 60 County Alert For Wildfires: Urgent Evacuations areunderway as Massive and Dangerous Wildfire Rapidly Spreads with emergencysirens sound throughout multiple locations. Currently, urgent mandatoryevacuations are underway as emergency sirens blare for residents across thepanhandle in Texas, as well as surrounding areas. Multiple departments are onthe scene battling four significant and dangerous wildfires, with 65 mph windsmaking containment extremely difficult. The fire is spreading rapidly, causingheavy flames and thick smoke visible for miles. All roads have been blocked.Police and emergency officials are urging everyone to leave as this is a life-threateningsituation.

· On Tues. 27 Feb. Switzerland, France, all of Europe: Ina remarkable display of unity, Swiss farmers have joined the protests alongsideEuropean farmers against the climate agenda. Switzerland becomes the 19thcountry in Europe to join these protests. The French farmers are now plantingfields outside the entrance to government building in protest against the GreenAgenda.

· Tues. 27 Feb. White Hats Investigate Trump Death Threat and WhitePowder: WHITE HATS INVESTIGATE TRUMP "DEATH THREAT" AND "WHITEPOWDER".

· What is really happening in Ukraine? In the recent Tucker Carlson'sinterview, Putin explained that the goal of invading Ukraine was to"demilitarize and de-Nazify Ukraine".

· Mon. 26 Feb. Hazmat crews descended on Donald Trump Jr’s home earlyMon. 26 Feb. after he received a threatening death threat letter, withmysterious white powder. This seems like a WARNING SHOT.

· Tues. 27 Feb A Message From John F Kennedy Jr, 19th Vice President:“Nikola Tesla was able to see the past, present and future, what we call TheGateway Process. He was able to harness the source ether energy, able totransmit it - wirelessly or directly as alternative current. A world with nopower lines, no power poles, no telephone poles, just a beautiful skyunobstructed. Space travel is done with Spaceships that can createwormholes/portals to far distance points in the infinite universe. Using flyingships for Earth travel or personal spaceships that are capable of crossingnearby Star Gates that have destinations across the universe. Nikola usedvibrations and frequencies for healing along with color, which are used in MedBeds. This will be available for all to use. A Brave New World Awaits WithInfinite Possibilities.”

· Putin says President Trump is being prosecuted for political reasonsand his arrest shows the “rottenness” of our political system.

· Mon. 26 Feb. Bannon Rant has Media Matters wetting the bed. At CPAC,Steve Bannon says Trump will “drive the vermin out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.Some of our folks may say justice in this case is retribution. I will let thatbe defined as we go forward”.

· The Rothschild family paid out the British Government to reform Israelunder the Zionist Foundation. Do you understand the implications of this · On9/11 the planes were digitally inserted into the videos. The buildings - all 3,were rigged to blow. The Pentagon was hit by a missile.

· J.P. Morgan funded the building of the Titanic, andcancelled his long-awaited journey just hours before its proposed departure.Three of the wealthiest men on earth, whom were against the creation of theFederal Reserve Bank, “happened” to be invited aboard for its maiden voyage andall died in the disaster.

· Frank Warren Snepp, journalist and former chief analyst of NorthVietnamese strategy for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has revealed howthe CIA plants news in major outlets.


· Tues. 27 Feb. Mike Gill: Urgent Info! Mike Flynn, Whistleblower onHuman Trafficking, James O'Keefe, Cartels


· Thurs. 7 April 2022 Biden/Obama Tied to Child Sex Trafficking;Children, Bodies Rescued from US Bio-weapon Labs Under Biden Ukraine Property ·Sun. 28 June 2020 Clinton-Rothschild Child Sex Trafficking Camp RefusedInvestigation, Destroyed

· Wed. 6 May 2020 Thousands of Tortured Children Rescued andFound Dead by US Military · Tues. 21 April 2020 Over 50,000 TraumatizedChildren Rescued by Military Out of Tunnels Beneath US Cities


· VACCINE WARNING: U.S. Doctors warn the world to stop taking the COVIDVaccines. They are toxic, lethal, ineffective and must be stopped. They damagethe brain, heart, liver, bone marrow, fetuses and cause harm in the human bodyleading to injury and death.

· Dozens of police and health workers including paramedics have won amammoth legal battle over mandatory ­vaccination orders after the Supreme Courtdeclared they were unlawful.

H. BIDEN CRIME FAMILY:· Putin sent a full dossier on Biden corruption toTucker Carlson including Biden’s plans to further help Ukraine by sending them554,000 US troops.

· Naked Joe Biden Abusing Young Naked Women.

· Tues. 27 Feb. Biden’s Border Crisis is in reality a Child SexTrafficking Crisis: State Attorney Generals report that more than 85,000children have been lost at the border:

· Thurs. 7 April 2022 Biden/Obama Tied to Child Sex Trafficking;Children, Bodies Rescued from US Bio-weapon Labs Under Biden Ukraine Property

I. ELLIS WASHINGYON REPORT: Archive | Ellis Washington Report Real Newsfor Real Patriots from the Judy Byington Report—Part 34 | Ellis WashingtonReport

I will begin this essay with a quote by Morpheus to his protegee Neo inthe 1999 movie, The Matrix—” Everything they told you was aLie”. Thisstatement is a variation of the last head quote above, and it encapsulates verysuccinctly the false reality Humanity has been enslaved under virtually sincethe Garden of Eden when our progenitors—Adam and Eve were first encountered bya supernatural demonic entity called Satan in the book of Genesis 3.

And though not explicitly chronicled in the Bible, but implied, Eve wasraped by Satan to produce the Satanic bloodline of CAIN. The Bible obscures thesex act using the metaphor of Satan taking the “fruit” of Eve (traditionally anapple) whereby Satan first used it to beguile (rape) Eve in the Garden of Eden6,000 years ago, thus perverting the human genome and DNA by creating from thebeginning a Satanic/hybrid bloodline through Cain (who killed his brother Abel,became the first murder and thus first ushered SIN into the world), and laterthe Nephilim (demons who had sex with human women producing a hybrid giantspecies of “humans” which God had to purge from the planet through Noah’sflood).

That’s why in the Gospel of Matthew (which cites the genealogy of hisearthly father Joseph) and the Gospel of Luke (which cites the genealogy of hisbiological mother Mary), thus Jesus traced his bloodline or genealogy on bothsides of his parents all the way back to Adam (through the bloodline of SETH,not Cain). “The term “of” is the same that means offspring.

Neither is Cain listed anywhere in the descendants of Adam whichstrongly indicates Cain was not his son”. That’s why it’s critically importantto carefully study the Bloodline meme below to understand why through the Agescertain Bloodlines of people and Nations are irredeemably EVIL including theRoyal Bloodlines of the European Monarchy, the 13 Royal Bloodlines of the Illuminatiand the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (born out of present-day Ukraine in southernRussia) just to name a few wicked bloodlines presently ruling over all thenations the world from the Shadows.


· DARPA is working on projects to connect the human mind to AI. ·The Hidden Satanic Global Power Structure… | Beyond Science |

· In 2001, retired 4-Star U.S. Army General Wesley Clarkrevealed that the US had plans to topple seven countries in five yearsincluding: 1) Iraq , 2) Libya , 3)Syria , 4) Lebanon , 5) Somalia , 6)Sudan , 7) Iran

Given this history, is Iran next on the list for regimechange?

· Tues. 27 Feb. Former military doctor states chem trails contain bariumsalts, human plasma, micro-viruses, non-terrestrial nano-silicon machines,poisonous aerosols, and can even be used to augment ‘bio-coding’frequency-transmission capabilities, to provide an assistive-basis for“thought-based DNA warfare.”

· The Deep State European Union Is Considering A Ban On Repairs For AllVehicles Over 15 Years Old. This Is Absolutely Insane.

· Tues. 27 Feb. Situation Update, Feb 27, 2023 – Democide 2024 – You AreBeing Hunted by the Depopulation Globalists!

- Government-led hunting and depopulation. - Government-assisted suicideand toxic food/personal care products.- Toxic products and depopulationmethods. - Avoiding toxins and preparing for global crises. - Engineered famineand depopulation through various means.

- Government use of AI drones for termination. - M1Abrams tanks’ fuel efficiency and heat signature. - The vulnerability of M1Abrams tanks in Ukraine. - Illegal gun parts shipments from China to the US. -Potential threats to America and how to prepare for them.

- Firearms, holsters, and knives for self-defense. - Body armor for personalsafety in a dangerous society. - Bulletproof vests and plate carriers. - Bodyarmor configuration and placement for optimal protection. - ProtectingAmericans from potential threats. Body armor design and inventory management.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of February 28, 2024 (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.